Ambient noise includes all sounds present in an environment. The ambient noise level may be measured at any moment, but it will vary widely with time, e.g., with the coming and going of trucks and aircraft. Traffic noise is higher at noon than at midnight and higher still during the morning and evening rush hours. Therefore, a single dB(A) measurement says very little about ambient noise.

Continuous exposure to industrial noise affects the hearing ability of a person, but there is a lot that meet the eyes. The prolonged exposure can cause health hazards that are beyond the hearing ailments, like stress, fatigue, productivity losses, tinnitus, and cardiovascular diseases, we have check for noise levels of the following industries:

  • Mining
  • Commercial construction (demolition and equipment)
  • Road Construction
  • Industrial Manufacturing: such as metal fabrication, open air automated production lines, maintenance areas
  • Oil and Gas and downstream refineries
  • Urban areas etc.